Thornhill Lees CE (VC) Infant And Nursery School

  1. News
  2. Year 2 Daily Challenge - Thursday 23rd April 2020

Year 2 Daily Challenge - Thursday 23rd April 2020

22 April 2020 (by admin)

Thursday 23rd April
Good morning everybody,
I hope that you enjoyed listening to the story yesterday.
Today is Saint George's Day.  Saint George is the Patron Saint of our country England.  Many people celebrate this special day by wearing a red rose on their coat.  I would like you to find out who Saint George was and about his special story.  Read the attached power point about Saint George and the story of Saint George and the Dragon!  You can also watch the story by following the link below:
Did you enjoy the story?  Why did George defeat the dragon?  Why do you think Saint George is the Patron Saint of our country?  What was his special quality?  
I have attached several activities that you can choose from.  You might want to do 1 or 2 of them, it is up to you however I am not expecting you to do all of them.  If you do not have a printer, you can do your recording in your Homework Book or on a piece of paper.
  1.  Retell the story using pictures (there is a pro-forma attached).
  2. Imagine you are Saint George and design your very own Coat of Arms Shield.  What special symbol will you have on it?  (there is a pro-forma attached).
  3. Make a dragon puppet or dragon model (see attached ideas).
  4. Solve The Mystery of Saint George's Sword Snatcher (this is attached and parents I have included the answers!)
Remember to just do 1 or 2 of the activities, make sure you enjoy the lovely sunshine in your garden today!
Happy Saint George's Day everyone!
Mrs McNulty
* See the activities on the school website or class dojo!