Thornhill Lees CE (VC) Infant And Nursery School

Online Safety

The internet is a really important tool for staff and children in school. As a school we have a duty to provide the children with quality internet access to aid their learning experience at school, at home and in the wider environment. It is also our role alongside parents, to help keep children safe when using the internet on any device. Don't forget devices include: mobile phones, tablets, iPads, laptops and computers. 


Please see our school online safety policy below:

We request that parents, when in school, follow our online safety policy.

Mobile phones are not permitted to be used in school. Please do not take photos or videos of children in school (assemblies, productions, etc), as some of our children do not have photo permission. Any breech of this is a safeguarding issue.

Advice for Parents and Carers about children's 'Screen Time'

YouTube Safety Advice

Please read the document below if you are worried about the risks of children accessing YouTube.


Below are some more Online Safety Guides for Parents and Carers.

Please click on the picture to see it full size.

Other Online Safety links: